Lil Wayne Joins Zulu Nation and What it Means to Hip Hop Culture
Lately, I have seen a lot of talk on Social Media about the rapper Lil’ Wayne joining our beloved Universal Zulu Nation. As you know, the Zulu Nation is 41 years old as of November 2014 and HipHop Culture is 40 years old. Our Culture is evolving and our organization is always welcoming to those willing to get on the grind with us in continuing our work to push forth this Culture using the four spiritual principles of Peace, Unity, Love and Having Fun. For those who have made negative comments about our Nation and who are sitting on the sidelines thinking we will change the way we represent HipHop because of one new member, you are sadly mistaken. Bear in mind that ‘Rap is something you do, HipHop is how you live.’ Lil’ Wayne understands that this is something bigger than him. He may not compromise some of his lyrics on some of his songs. But he will promote the Culture that we represent with our pillars as the foundation. If you have studied your history, you would know h...