
Showing posts from June 26, 2016

Randy Muhammad possible future first Puerto Rican leader over Nation of Islam Mosque

Minister Randy Muhammad and Minister Louis Farrakhan UPDATE (July 18, 2016) - New Student Minister of Boston Mosque No. 11, Brother Randy Muhammad has been selected as  Minister Emeritus Don Muhammads first choice to stand in his place  as the New Minister over Boston Mosque No. 11. If formerly selected, Randy Muhammad could probably become the Nation of Islam's first Puerto Rican leader over a major Nation of Islam Mosque.  Minister Randy Muhammad was personally recognized by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan at Mosque #11 in Boston on June 26th. In attendance was Don Muhammad, one of the Nation of Islam's most influential and successful Ministers, who himself served as a consultant to the NOI, and was a longtime follower of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Known to some as "the unofficial mayor of Boston", whose influences have included the Boston Police Department (under Police Commissioner William Bratton), the local NAACP and many local and state p...