R.I. posts new emergency room rules for opioid patients
By Lynn Arditi PROVIDENCE, R.I.-- State health officials on Wednesday released new standards to improve hospital emergency rooms' treatment of patients addicted to opioids. Rhode Island is the first in the country to develop such statewide guidelines, state Health Director Nicole Alexander-Scott said. The Rhode Island Department of Health's new standards follow passage last spring of a state law -- The Alexander Perry and Brandon Goldner Act -- designed to improve treatment for people with substance abuse disorders following the overdose deaths of the sons of two prominent Rhode Islanders. The law was passed after the opioid overdose deaths of the son of Hasbro CEO Brian Goldner and his wife, Barbara Goldner, and the son of former Sen. Rhoda Perry. The Goldner's 23-year-old was treated at Rhode Island Hospital's emergency room seven times in three months prior to his death in 2015. All hospital-based and freestanding emergen...